7 Nov 2011

Saades identity hijacked

To Eric Saades large fan base spreads an unknown person false messages and greetings. - Nasty when people pretending to be him, said Saades manager Tomas Lingman.

Eurovision Song Contest third placed Eric Saades identity is hijacked - on Facebook. To over 35,000 fans when daily updates, pictures and greetings out, from someone who presents himself be the young pop star.

Now, Saades manager Tomas Lingman had enough and threatens to take further action unless the page is turned down.

You get a chance to yourself to take down the page before I do it !!!!! You know it is illegal what you are doing right? Regards, The Real Eric Saades Manager!! he writes to the person behind the page to Facebook.

- This page has 35,000 fans and the person writing in the type anything stupid. It is not so, but they are pretending to be a person they are not are and express feelings and opinions in Eric's name, explains Tomas Lingman for Nyheter24.

Took money from the fans

But even if the new situation seems to have escalated, so it is not the first time that Eric Saade has been exposed to something like this.

- Last year it was a person who urged people to call the number to vote for Eric, but it went to a premium rate number where this person himself took out money, explains Lingman.

- There are hundreds of pages about Eric and most of them are fantastic, but there are those here who pretending to be him that is sad and it is also illegal.

"Feels scary"

If the page is not taken down, it can lead to serious consequences.

- They can reach out to thousands of misinformation about things that have to do with Eric. They have the power to write anything, continues Lingman.

How to know Eric?

- He thinks it's boring. He thinks it feels horrible when people pretending to be him and can express both feelings and opinions in his name. People can really believe that you think and feel as it is written. You have no power in your own hands.

- The only thing you can do is that you may continue to chase after them.

Found on: Nyheter24 / translated by: Linda

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