23 May 2012

Pop Explosion Stockholm - German Fans on Tour

Here is the first co-authors entry of Corinna (19), Sabeth (15), Anne (17) and Fe (18. Thanks to you for getting an impression of your travel and the concert in Stockholm!

“There is a concert of Eric Saade on the 28th of April 2012 in Stockholm…”

“No it is impossible to attend this concert, there is the Abitur!”

27.4.2012: our last school examination

Then the 28th of April 2012, 5 o’clock am: the alarm clock rings with “Tage wie diese” by “Tote Hosen”. One hour later: going to Frankfurt Airport flying to Stockholm!

Hej! Here are Sabeth, Anne, Fe and Corinna. We are from the Saarland in the South West of Germany and now we want to tell you about our crazy journey to Sweden, we made just for HIM.

The first sign of Stockholm we had seen from the plane was Globen-arena.

And now: Subway stop “Globen”. Then some more steps.... and there it was: our destination!!

By going in the arena we have been impressed by the stage and the atmosphere but also surprised: almost little kinder garden girls with their parents attended the concert! We had thought there were only teenager girls in our age and we are 15, 17, 18 and 19 years old. But we didn’t care anymore because ERIC entered the stage as a big shadow and our personal party after the “Abitur” could begin!!

By waving our German flags we got Eric’s attention. He seemed to be very impressed to see fans from that far away, who travelled miles for him to see his smile. To us and the other foreign fans he even said “Thank you” in English!

As well show and dancing was fantastic, especially when he sang “Sky falls down” or when ERIC was sitting on the piano for “Break of dawn”.

Although Eric announced it in Swedish we understood that he was going to perform an unexpected song with Tone Damli: “Imagine”, amazing.

To end his show and to make us definitively crazy, he took a shower... J

Because we don’t want to forget this night, we are glad that it was said there will be a DVD of the concert. Hopefully they realize it really!!

Tired and deeply happy we decided that our efforts to travel to Sweden were worth it:

To have YOU in our lives

is such a gift!! <3


  1. HAllo!

    Wir haben genau den selben Trip gemacht*G* vielleicht sogar mit dem selben Flieger hingeflogen!!! Das ist ja krass. Wir dachten wir waren die einzigen:-)))))

  2. Hej :D Sorry, dass wir jetzt erst schreiben. Das ist ja cool, wir dachten auch, nur wir wären so verrückt:D Sagt mal habt ihr das mit der DVD auch mitbekommen??? Könnt ihr schwedisch?? Wir mussten nämlich die Frau vor uns fragen, was die vor dem Konzert erzählt haben. Jetzt fehtl nur noch, dass ER nach Deutschland kommt... :D

    Corinna, Fe, Anne, Sabeth
